![]() 01/15/2015 at 16:11 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
505 is your local pizza/shit beer expert in the house. Let me put it this way, pizza is not meant to be frozen ever. So here is the rundown of MY favorite 5 pizza joints that are not chains. From an old man that knows better than to set foot in Pizza Hut.
1. Frank Pepe's Apizza - New Haven CT
LOOK AT IT. Bacon and clam white pie? 100 year old coal fired oven? Hell yes. Gimme all of that
2. BAR - New Haven CT
Same town, but that is the best pizza town on the planet. Go for the mashed potato and garlic. Serious eats
3. Santarpios - Boston
Just a nice classic red pie. Also the appetizers of lamb and pickled peppers makes everything better. Especially the attitudes of the staff there (DO NOT COMPLAIN OR THEY WILL FUCK WITH YOU)
4. Best Pizza - Williamsburg, NYC
another good red pie. Nothing special, but one of the best crusts in NYC, but they do have some crazy combos. I like the sausage/goat cheese and spinach pie there.
5. Pequod's Pizza - Chicago, IL
I know it is a bit of a tourist trap, but good deep pies coming out of there. I tend to go for German food when in Chi-town, but this is a great stop.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 16:14 |
Next time you're up my way we need to hit Mia Lina's best pie around.
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Now this is a list.
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Ranking BAR above Modern is slightly controversial.
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oh boy... is this going to turn into a chicago-new york debate?
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If you find yourself in Colorado Springs, try Leon Gessi Pizza. http://www.leongessipizza.com/
I ate there so much growing up. Great NY style pizza. Bonus, it's around the corner from BJ's Velvet Freeze. Pizza + ice cream = heaven.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 16:17 |
I actually think 1.Pepes 2. Modern 3. Bar but bar was a little different. Clams Casino pie at modern > Frank's clam/bacon slightly, but overall I like Pepes better
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I've never understood the logic that a pizza must contain 'all the things'.
500 toppings!
50 meats!
96 cheeses!
and....dipping sauce.
Keep it simple. Keep it traditional.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 16:18 |
nah, I tried to be open with the kinds of pizzas listed. I am not huge on deep dish, but it exists and is still awesome
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agreed, I have enjoyed the hell out of no cheese, just a red pie even
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agree. i just consider it something other than pizza.
i mean... cheese does make everything better.
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You can't group all Pizza Huts in together. If it has a red roof, it's a national chain and useless/frozen crap. If it doesn't, it's a franchise owned store and it's probably pretty awesome. I worked at a franchise store growing up and we made the dough and chopped fresh veggies every day. We even made our own sauce. The only frozen stuff was the meat and cheese.
I agree that small shops/local chains are better. My favorite remains Bruno's in the South Bend, Indiana region. Though I've never had pizza in Jersey.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 16:20 |
They've always been the best pizzas.
Every now and then I'll go stupid and order something from Domino's because it's cheap and I hate the world and I need a carb/fat fix for the day. Then regret it the next morning on the loo.
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hahahaha so do i!
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So much hipster wafting up from the pie on #4. Wash it down with PBR.
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I dunno. I broke my back. Cheese applications did not help.
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PBR aint cool any more...Narragansett is where the hipsters are at hahahaha
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I shouldn't be able to comment since I've never had pizza in New York or Chicago, but Boriello Brothers in Colorado Springs makes some pretty damn good pizzas.
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I could do a Chicago list alone that would put most of the country to shame, and there would be only 1 deep dish place on it: Louisa's Pizza. It was started by one Pizzeria Uno's first cooks, and sadly Louisa passed away a couple years ago. Her family still owns and operates the place today.
01/15/2015 at 16:24 |
I used to frequent (read: go to maybe once every two months) pizzeria whose owner drove W124 coupe AND made great pizza. Too bad he eventually left the country.
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Think I've seen Narragansssettredddfoxx somewhere. Sounds like the real authentic taste of wherever. Hopefully tastes less metallic than Pabst.
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it should, also since PBR is now owned by Russians I think that metallic taste is a drop of Stalins blood or something
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What is there to debate? New York wins everything.
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PEPE's !!!!!!
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No, because New Haven is the clear winner.
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New Haven, actually. But close.
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not a big John Stewart fan, but this always brings tears to my eyes. "pizza casserole" classic.
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And I'm making a casserole for dinner. :(
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Next time I get pizza from my local place I'll post pics, their donair pizza is better than words can describe, and the crust, THE CRUST! Their other pizzas are only good, but goddamn that donair is just amazing.
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I made chicken and brocolli casserole for dinner last night. Think I am still full. Dont know how I was able to be hungry enough to write this
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just to clarify...
new york PIZZA wins.
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my favorite. Always worth the wait. I used to have the back door privilege until the new ownership took over and ended that
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This is just a simple ham/cheese casserole, using up some leftover spiral ham. I think I'm going to use a mix of cheddar and smoked gouda, though. Should be pretty good.
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I personally prefer Modern A'Pizza to Frank Pepe's but both are great. Santarpios is fantastic, and I'm glad you know about the Lamb. The one place you're missing is Motorino in NYC. Hands down the best pizza I've ever had.
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you speak my language
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Yeah, I guess New York pizza could win everything as well...
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"Pabst Blue Ribbon is the quintessential American brand — it represents individualism, egalitarianism and freedom of expression — all the things that make this country great," from Oasis brewing.
hah, still not drinking it.
Pabst's other brands: Colt 45, Rainier, Lone Star, Old Style, Schlitz and National Bohemian. All quality. Rainier, the first beer I ever bought. And National Bohemian, "From the Land of Pleasant Living." And by that of course they mean "you'll have a headache before you finish the second can."
![]() 01/15/2015 at 16:52 |
Finally a list of pizza that is not crap, crap then more crap. I don't think most of the other lists even qualify as pizza.
I have been hoping to go down to CT and check out some of the pizza places, I have heard some very good things.
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if you do, make it a weekend I am down visiting my family and I will take you on a tour. No doubt
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Fuck now I'm hungry
![]() 01/15/2015 at 17:35 |
I think it should go Sally's, Pepe's, Santarpio's, a few others then BAR
![]() 01/15/2015 at 17:48 |
I NEED THIS (s/shrooms/green peppers or jalapenos, plz) IN MY MOUTH RIGHT NOW.
Austin is a pathetic wasteland when it comes to the deep dish. ljfkdals;fdlfdjakl; this picture. I...I.......I'll be in my bunk.
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Cheese pizza is best pizza. All the cheeses, in my belly.
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You know, chain pizza joints get a bad rep, and mostly for good reason. But, there's a time and a place for them I think. There are times when I want a pizza hut pizza. Just like there are times when I want a McDonald's cheeseburger. Neither one is quality, but sometimes you just crave a certain taste.
As for your list, I can't really comment on it, having never eaten at any of those establishments. I do have a question about your Chicago joint though. How does that compare to Genos East? They make a pretty tasty pie IMHO.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 18:26 |
Lol in your bunk with pizza? Hawt
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I am not a big fan of Sally's, although I know a niece from the sallys empire and it would be nice to have that special phone number.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 20:12 |
Half the fun was chatting while waiting in line. Then a pitcher or two of Gennesee and maybe Foxon birch beer for the underage. Don't forget to ask for mozzarella, and cash only!!
![]() 01/15/2015 at 20:19 |
Hey 505:
If you get to the Twin Cities, ping me and we'll do a pizza tour - Luce, Chalet, Punch, and a few others. It will be a cheese and meat rampage. There will be so survivors.
![]() 01/15/2015 at 20:19 |
We tried so hard in college to get speciality treatment from any of those places, Louie's... Could not get anything, dated a bartender from BAR so maybe I ate there too much.
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Where did you go to school?
![]() 01/15/2015 at 21:04 |
![]() 01/16/2015 at 08:35 |
ah I knew quite a few people that went there. Us at UCONN used to call that place quick-in-the-sack for the promiscuity of some of the ladies down that way. Know anyone that graduated 2001?
![]() 01/16/2015 at 08:36 |
sounds awesome
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you know it!
![]() 01/16/2015 at 08:52 |
Ever been to Goodman's American Pie in Ludlow, VT?
![]() 01/16/2015 at 08:54 |
nope, I may never have been to ludlow
![]() 01/16/2015 at 08:55 |
Note the VW bus counter.
![]() 01/16/2015 at 19:37 |
Oh shit I know a lot of people that year, I was 2002. Hell when I applied to go there it was 7:1 girls to guys, when I graduated it was down to 5:1, I think it is 1.5:1 now, there was not enough men to go around, it made the real world really tough.
![]() 01/17/2015 at 07:51 |
Haha yeah that was how I remember it. My sister in law was class of 01 too